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Panel construction technology

Large-panel construction

Large-panel construction, prefabricated buildings made of large, mounted on a building site, plane elements (panels) prefabrication. Large-panel construction - one of the most progressive, industrial types of building structures. In modern construction, they are used for the construction of residential houses, public and industrial buildings, roads, airports, dams, canals, and other structures. The most widespread construction of large-received in the mass housing and civil construction, where construction of buildings of the large panels made for house building factories and mills, allows 1.5-2 reduce construction time (in comparison to the construction of houses of brick or other traditional materials ) and lower the cost of labor at the construction site by 30-40%. In this case, the estimated cost per m2 of floor space by 12-15% lower than in brick houses.

The idea of large-panel, i.e., the application for the walls and floors of buildings of large-sized items such as panels, put forward a number of engineers in 1920-30's. However, at that time, because of lack of high-level development of construction machinery, these proposals were of a character design. Comprehensive scientific study of large-panel construction factory method and construction of the first large-advanced buildings were made in the USSR in the 40-50's. a group of employees of Building Research Institute of the former USSR Academy of Architecture: GF Kuznetsov (Head), Boris Smirnov, NV Morozov, TP Antipov, AK Mkrtumyan, YB Monfredom, H . J. Spivak and others have been developed foundations of the theory of design, systems of large buildings and construction panels, created methods bench and tape manufacturing methods, methods of installation, the main regulatory documents, etc. In 1947-1948 under the leadership of this institution was built in Moscow (on 5th street Falcon Mountain), the first four-story residential building frame-panel construction, in 1949-52 - the first 3 - and 4-storey frameless large-panel house in Magnitogorsk in 1954 - 7-storey frameless house in Moscow ( 6th Street October field). The construction of these houses almost proved the technical feasibility and cost-effectiveness of large-large method. Encouraged experimental construction in the coming years in Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, and other cities of Cherepovets facilitate the rapid development and dissemination of large-panel construction.

Since 1953, large-panel construction in the USSR is highly mechanized factories and mills homebuilding model projects from the diverse climatic and technical conditions of the country. In 1960, large-panel construction in the total volume of housing construction in the USSR was 1.5-2%. in 1972 to around 40% by 1975 to reach 50%. Significant spread large-panel construction has also received in the socialist countries (Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Bulgaria, Hungary) and in many capitalist countries (Denmark, France, Sweden, UK, etc.).

Construction of large-panel can be mounted all the main parts of the building: interior and exterior walls, floors, roofs, stairs, and other large-panel design used in two basic design schemes buildings: prefabricated (see Frame-panel construction) and panel (frameless ) buildings. In the frame-panel houses all the major perceived load frame building, and panels are usually filling the frame and enclosing elements. Frameless buildings are constructed of panels that perform simultaneously supporting and protecting functions.

Large-design exterior walls consist of panels, the size of which the height is equal to one or two floors, and the width - one or two rooms. The panels can be deaf (no openings), with window or door openings. By their construction single-layer wall panels (solid) and multilayer (laminated). Single-layer panels are made of materials with thermal insulation properties and also capable of doing supporting functions, such as lightweight concrete, aerated concrete, ceramic hollow stones, etc. The layered wall panels are made by two-layer or three-layer, the thickness of these depend on the climatic conditions of the area and the construction of physical and technical properties of the materials used for warming layer and outer (bearing) layers. The outer layers of the panel is usually made of heavy, light or heavy silicate concrete, masonry, sheet materials (asbestos cement, steel, aluminum, etc.). For a warming layer can be used polystyrene, rigid and semi-rigid mineral wool slabs, cellular concrete, etc. The wall panels manufactured by the plant completely finished with prepared for painting surfaces, including windows and doors, the panels are mounted heating pipelines and other systems, wiring and etc. The surface of the exterior wall panels covered with a decorative solution or is coated with ceramic tiles or other decoration. After mounting the joints between the panels are filled with mortar, light or conventional concrete, and then sealed with the use of elastic strips and special mastics.

arge-panel construction of internal walls can be carriers and carriers. In the first case they run gypsum concrete or other materials that provide weather protection structures. In the second case, wall panels, combining protecting and supporting functions, made of heavy or lightweight concrete, silicate or cellular concrete, masonry or ceramic vibrational brick etc. Panel dimensions determined by the size of rooms (residential buildings), height equal to the height of their assigned floor and width - depth or width of the room, the thickness of interior partition walls are usually 10-14 cm, 14-18 cm between apartments.

Large-panel construction intermediate floors are usually made of reinforced concrete. Square slabs in buildings are usually equal to the area of one room and up to 30 m2, decking panels have an area of 5.8 m2. Large-slab construction of residential, public and commercial buildings arranged as a solid or laminated, in the latter provides sound insulation layer to reduce airborne and impact noise. In residential buildings, often used so-called integrated floor panels consisting of a supporting concrete panels, combined with the panel and the floor or ceiling with sound insulation, heat insulation and other layers.

Large-panel construction coatings are used in residential and public buildings, mainly in the form of combined bescherdachnyh roofs (see coverage of the building), in industrial buildings covering panel made a span up to 12 m.

Eight depends on the construction of large-accepted method of dividing a building on prefabricated elements and is generally from 1.5 to 7.5 tons
Large-panel construction (wall panels, floors and roofs) when installing the building set on the horizontal mortar joints, internal vertical joints are filled with mortar or concrete. At the interface panels have inserts, which are welded steel joints (pads), thus achieving the connection between all the panels and the overall stability of the building. Spatial rigidity of the building is provided by the structural work stairwells, face and intersectional cross walls. Large-panel construction is used in the construction of multi-store buildings.

panel construction

Panel construction technology

Construction Technology

Vladimir Ivanov


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