As an independent modernist formed in the years 1890-1910. Modern does not have a clear focus, having incorporated features of all previous styles. At the same time, it is a protest against imitation historic buildings, something new and modern. In modern dance, first used new materials - metal (steel), concrete, glass, and in the future - plastic, padded using traditional materials - wood and stone. It is possible to give architectural structure arbitrary and unusual, even fantastic shapes. Architectural form of modern asymmetric, bulky building, no straight lines, but the abundant decorative elements, sometimes unnecessary. The facade is decorated by arbitrary patterns of various shapes. Art Nouveau building beautiful, but at the same time functional.
In the era of modernism widespread construction of apartment buildings. With the development of modern it was allocated a few areas, but some define them as individual styles of architecture. This romanticism with the revival of traditions of Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Neo-Classical, rationalism with simple forms, it is the opposite - irrationalism, brick style, coupled with the refusal of the plaster, Northern Art Nouveau (also National Romanticism, developed in Scandinavia). The most prominent representatives of modern - Otto Wagner, Victor Horta, Peter Behrens, Hendrik Berlage, Andrew Belogrud, Leon Bogussky etc.
In the 1920s, a new style of architecture - constructivism, which is considered a new direction of proletarian art, embodied in the architectural forms. The main idea of ​​constructivism - art should serve the production. Thus arose the production art. Basic materials - concrete and reinforced concrete. Constructivist architects designed not only industrial buildings, but also housing, clubs, houses of culture. In the Late Constructivism emerged functional method, in accordance with which the scientific analysis of the functionality of buildings, and the practical problems combined with art. The leading architects of constructivism - Leonid, Victor, Alexander Vesnin, Moses Ginsburg.
In the late 1940s, began to develop the architectural style of minimalism, whose motto - "nothing more." The greatest distribution he received in 1960. In buildings of this style is almost no elements of decor, ornaments and other "excesses." Begins search for ideal proportions, new color combinations. The interior is dominated by steel and other metals, curved shape. At the same time, great attention is paid to the functionality.
At the end of the 1970s was replaced by a high-tech style, firmly entrenched in the modern architecture. It is a style of high technology, the accompanying modern life. His motto: "House - machine for living." Ascetic design with large monolithic form, the widespread use of metal and glass, cutting-edge designs and materials - these are high-tech style. Idealization of modern technology, the search for solutions combining energy and resources are inextricably linked with the close entry into human life technologies. There are three main currents in the high-tech style - industrial, geometric and bionic high-tech. Industrial buildings in the style of hi-tech - the so-called "stack", characterized by the removal of the elements of communication to the facade of the building (stairs, elevators). Geometric high-tech to a complicated frame system with advanced structural elements (eg, air-supported structures and vohduhonesomye). Bionic high-tech - is the use of forms of nature in architecture. Membrane overlap, suspension structures, flexible filaments become elements of buildings. Prospects of high-tech style - buildings that produce energy, mobile facilities, a new organization working space man.
In the 1980s, as opposed to Soviet constructivism, a new style of architecture - deconstruction, which is characterized by polygonal shape, visual complexity, and aggression. Key representatives - Jacques Derrida, Peter Eisenman, Daniel Libeskind.
In the 1990s, a new trend in architecture - techno style, which is sometimes considered as the direction of high-tech. For techno style the grotesque image of universal technologism. Building transparent glass walls curve on the complex curve, and communication elements taken out of the wall - pipes are unique decorative elements. The interior in the style of techno is more like a factory workshops, warehouses, hangars, and not the living room. Cabinets like safes and industrial containers, shapeless chair - accidentally left on bags, furniture legs - on tripods. The walls have a rough texture, the main colors of furniture - gray, black, khaki, burgundy, materials - glass, metal, plastic. Commonly used perforated and corrugated metal sheets. Techno style - it is a challenge to the traditional comfort and harmony.
Another fad trend in architecture and interior design has been called kitsch (translated from German - cheap, tasteless). This is a bright, flashy style, psevdoistorichnost architecture inept imitation, parody of some existing styles. Its main objective - the desire to stand out, to show their originality. Fashion for kitsch comes when old styles stale, and the replacement he has not yet emerged.
Thus, the modern styles of architecture characterized by aggressiveness, manifested in a comprehensive Technologism, piling up the same elements, the use of synthetic building materials, dark colors. But modern architectural styles are not static, they are constantly evolving, introducing new parts and components and creating new trends.
Modern. 1890s - 1910s.

As an independent modernist formed in the years 1890-1910. Modern does not have a clear focus, having incorporated features of all previous styles. At the same time, it is a protest against imitation historic buildings, something new and modern. In modern dance, first used new materials - metal (steel), concrete, glass, and in the future - plastic, padded using traditional materials - wood and stone. It is possible to give architectural structure arbitrary and unusual, even fantastic shapes. Architectural form of modern asymmetric, bulky building, no straight lines, but the abundant decorative elements, sometimes unnecessary. The facade is decorated by arbitrary patterns of various shapes. Art Nouveau building beautiful, but at the same time functional.

Vladimir Ivanov