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The architectural style of postmodernism


The crisis of rationalism in the works of modernist architects, which began in the postwar years, creates a phenomenon of postmodernism. However, clear and uniform definition of postmodern style does not exist. The most intimate and acceptable definition of postmodernism as the direction and paradigm contrasted herself modernism professes his replacement, that distinguishes postmodernism from existing simultaneously with "neoavangardizma" or "late modernism," which consistently develops modernist concept. In other words, postmodernism as opposed to modernism, anti-elitist and essentially conservative. Style postmodernism promotes passive submission to the existing socio-economic and cultural order of society, a kind of "realism."


Style postmodernism practice retrospectivism open, eclectic appeal of traditional art forms, comparing them in an unusual way, it creates a kind of theatrical aesthetic environment, which often introduces an element of irony and grotesque. The architecture of the end of the third quarter of the 20th century postmodernism expressed himself very clearly. Since the late 70's gg.zavershaetsya construction of community centers, surrounded by brightly painted archways and columns, treating the ancient Roman Forum and Roman baroque buildings in theatrical fashion. Old, classically decorated and finished architectural forms updated and reinterpreted grotesque, introduced new, innovative materials for registration: anodized aluminum, stainless steel, neon tubes, etc. (Piazza d'Italia in New Orleans, USA, architect Charles Moore) .


In urban planning is the satellite towns, plan on strictly axial system with houses with heavy cornices and pediments, powerful decorative columns on rusticated podium. (New satellite cities of Paris, Spanish architect Ricardo Bofill)


Separate buildings - is primarily wood and stone houses with sloping roofs and developed hanging eaves, dormers and chimneys (projects of the American architect R. Venturi).


The interiors of these buildings furnish bulky old-fashioned furniture and facades decorated with works giperrealistov, supergraphics.


In the 50's and 60's. Le Corbusier and Gropius demonstrate new tools to destroy the rationalistic forms correctly, making the surface more dynamic. In the Chapel Ronshama (1950-1956) Le Corbusier refuses clear shapes provided for Sawa villa in Poissy, and prefer the smoother contours, curved roof also relaxed. Walter Gropius departs from stereometric purity Bauhaussa in Dessau (1925-1926) and puts a polygonal cut skyscraper Pan Am in New York (1958-1963). Even more emphasis on expression in their works make Eero Saarinen and Frank Lloyd Wright. Under the influence of architecture of Mies van der Rohe, in particular, his manner of distribution modules for grid scheme, Saarinen in the late 50's. develops even more bizarre and convoluted style characterized by very light curved lines. When creating airline TWA terminal at New York Airport. Kennedy (1956-1962) he made the roof in the form of birds' wings, pointed convex shape which gives the interior of the original shape. The Guggenheim Museum in New York (1943-1959) is one of the last "organic experiments" Lloyd Wright, who was always trying to find architectural solutions based on any of the forms of natural objects. An example of this is the Kaufmann House in Bear Run (1936-1939), built in the form of arranged one above the other terraces extending over the water flow. The outlines of the Guggenheim Museum is an imitation of both forms of the relief of the Grand Canyon and the typical houses of the tribe, "Navajo."

In the visual arts with the postmodern style is usually associated direction, tending to subject a natural artistic perception of life.

Postmodernism. From the middle. XX century.

Architectural style postmodernism developed in the late XX century architecture and art, as opposed to modernist radicalism. In the style of postmodernism uses a composite of various styles of the past, for example, classical and baroque, often using them with ironic effect. Specificity style postmodernism - hyperbole as a tool to create the image of a bright theatrical environment.


Vladimir Ivanov


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