Significant progress in the 20 - 30's. 20. reached architecture. The rapid growth of cities, industry, development of transport come into sharp conflict with the new requirements do not lay the old city, with its narrow, winding streets. Complicated by the need to solve the problem of transport services and to ensure normal sanitary and living conditions of the population, urban projects and generate new forms of human settlement. They are characterized by the desire to mitigate the urban social contrasts and eliminate undue concentration of population. Around large cities in some countries there are city-gardens to individual houses, industrial cities, workers' settlements, and so from a strictly functional dissection area. Attracted the attention of architects task not only industry, but also of housing construction, development of residential complexes with economical model homes, designed for middle and low-paid people. More attention is paid to the design area, the architectural design of landscapes. Developed a universal classification of streets and the principles of their combination, created a network of city streets that are independent of the transition streets and cut the city into a number of separate spaces. In designing a new type of cities and large industrial enterprises increasingly adopted the principle of functionality and design systems that originated at the turn of 19-20 centuries. This style of architecture is called constructivism. Herald a new phase in the development of architecture is the Eiffel Tower (vysota312 m), built of prefabricated steel parts for the World Fair in Paris in 1889 by engineer Gustave Eiffel as a sign of entry into a new era of machine age. Devoid of utilitarian value, delicate tower easily and smoothly soars to the sky, embodying the power of technology. Its dynamic hierarchy plays an important role in the city's skyline. The grand arch of the tower as it integrates through it rising above the distant perspective of the urban landscape. This structure had a stimulating effect on the further development of architecture.
The development of the American city, his face defined-rise skyscrapers of New York, Chicago, etc. By the early 20th century. architects of the so-called Chicago school of the late 19th century. draft a skyscraper with overhanging walls. American cities, such as New York, keep a sharp contrast between the skyscrapers (office building, "the Empire State Building," beg. 1930., At 102 floors, 407 m in height and the Rockefeller Center, 72 floors, 384 m altitude, 1931-1947 gg.) and many other different scale buildings. In the history of Russian Constructivism professional architects designed the various Modular housing units connected to each other in a large complex, moving along the outer wall of the elevator, etc. luminaries of Russian (Soviet) constructivism is Konstantin Melnikov. Starting with the building of the Russian pavilion at the International Exhibition in the style of traditional wooden architecture, through which he gained international fame, Melnikov goes to the design of actual buildings very new (revolutionary) type and purpose - working clubs. Club them. Rusakov, he built in 1927-28, has nothing to do with the architecture of the previous century, or the architecture of the modern. A purely geometric concrete structures are organized in a structure whose shape is defined by its purpose. The last remark applies to almost all modern architecture and 20th century and is defined as functionalism. Constructivism functionalism in architecture results in a dynamic structure consisting of relatively simple formal elements, completely devoid of the usual architectural decoration, connected in accordance with the organization and operation of the internal space of the main structures. Language of architectural forms, thus "cleansed" of all optional, decorative, non-constructive. It is the language of the new world, to break with the past. Nascent architectural image clearly conveys the dynamics of artistic processes and life in post-revolutionary Russia, delight in the modern technical features. Architects style constructivism believed that the creation of the architectural image of modern facilities should involve all elements of the building, even such as signs, clocks, advertising signs, speakers, elevator shafts, etc., so all of them must also design architect. Soviet Constructivists have focused on two major tasks: the design of a model socialist city and municipal multi-family housing for workers - house-communes. In order to meet the new needs of the socialist state, the Constructivists in the design and construction of these types of buildings as offices, stores, motels, printing, research centers, factories, workers' clubs and hydropower. The young Soviet architecture of the first post-revolutionary decade really been at the forefront of world architecture, implementing or creating on paper the most ambitious projects, including the famous Palace of the Soviets, who were unable to build on the site of the demolished Cathedral of Christ the Savior. With the onset of Stalinist totalitarianism in the 30 years, Russia is gradually losing its position in the architecture, and still they can not be recovered. In the late 20's constructivism began to spread outside the Soviet Union, is most popular in Germany and the Netherlands. In the mid 60's - 70's traditions and ideas of constructivism found unexpected continuation in the architecture of so-called "high-tech" areas, deliberately bares not only the work of architectural designs and engineering services.
Constructivism. 1920 - early. 1930.
Constructivism (lat. - construction) - the direction in action-ve XX century., Successively associated with Cubism and Futurism and spawned a feature film. style, say in Soviet architecture, painting, applied art and poetry ve 20s-early. 30s.; Basic setting C. was rapprochement Art Society to the practice of industrial life on the line forms: geometrization circuits and exposure tech. foundation construction in architecture, functional design justified in applied arts ve etc.
Vladimir Ivanov