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Masonry technology

Stone country houses purchased, usually those for whom the house is associated above all with good quality, indestructible, reliability, reliability.

The most traditional type of stone construction - masonry. Something to keep in mind that ceramic brick - a relatively "cold" material, and to the brick house to feel comfortable in winter and summer, quite a thick wall. According to current building codes for protection against heat loss aimed, primarily, at energy savings, the thickness of the brick walls in the two and a half brick (64 cm) is not enough. Therefore, if you want to build a really warm brick house and not spend extra money on heating, the brick walls should insulate.

Curtain walls are always insulated from the outside, and one of the most simple, effective and proven practice technology - the so-called "ventilated facade." The main brick wall takes on the function of the carrier and is responsible for the strength, heat saving and provides a layer of insulation (mineral wool), be sure to separate from the outer lining of a decorative air gap - ventilation gap. Circulating air in the ventilation gap carries away excess water vapor, not allowing condensate to fall. This ventilated multilayered structure in which the functions of the different materials is strictly separated from each other, provides a good protection against heat loss high wall strength. In this case, the thickness of bearing brick walls can be reduced, typically to half bricks (38 cm), - the safety margin would be enough for two or three - store cottage.

Brickwork can erect walls of the bizarre, focusing on a particular architectural style. As used masonry exterior finish of bricks (it is tied to the main wall of special communication flash the layer of insulation through), as well as facing stone, tile or decorative plaster, which are applied to the surface, mounted on the frame structure. The combination of different methods of finishing gives a very interesting, unique facade.
In order to avoid additional warming and do single-layer boundary wall, built with warm stone house, created porous building materials - concrete blocks and gas silicate blocks. They also cost less than ceramic bricks (per 1 sq. km. Meter wall). Technology of construction of country houses of foam and silicate blocks differs significantly from the technology of masonry.

We must bear in mind that the construction of country houses of foam or silicate blocks require more skill of designers and builders.
Gas silicate blocks leading manufacturers such as Hebel, have a more stable physical and mechanical properties than the foam concrete blocks, and a very high geometric precision cutting. Therefore, they can be purchased without ”reserve strength", guided by this name in accordance with the project and not on the mason cement, and on a special adhesive, winning up to 20% in the value of the thermal resistance of the walls by reducing the "cold bridges" in masonry seams.

Since the blocks are less durable than brick, under concrete slabs, element of design of truss roof system, above window and door openings is necessary to arrange monolithic belts and straps to evenly distribute the pressure on the load-bearing walls. Each zone requires additional insulation, not so much to save heat, but because of the fact that the inner surface of the walls, where there are not enough padded belt or jumpers will fall condensate.

Must also be aware of the high vapor permeability and silicate foam concrete. For exterior use plaster with high vapor permeability. Otherwise, on the border of the wall and the plaster layer will condense and plaster peel off.

Do without the additional insulation of external walls, built with the warm, strong and durable house technology allows construction of country houses of porous ceramic blocks.

These blocks have approximately the same thermal conductivity as foam and gas silicate blocks, and on the strength of the (vertical) are not inferior brick brand M100. This high strength allows you to avoid the device monolithic belts under floor slabs, which would further insulate. Paso-ridge surface block Stretcher bond prevents blowing vertical joints and can significantly reduce the amount of solution in the masonry.

Thus, the porous ceramic blocks can build quite warm and durable wall thickness 64 cm (main unit plus masonry lining in half-brick). The material itself is not cheap, however, with the above, the construction of country houses of porous ceramic blocks in the end may prove to be more beneficial than the use of masonry.


Masonry technology

Construction Technology

Vladimir Ivanov


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