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The vast majority of prehistoric architectural complexes in the world are composed of megaliths. They are characterized by a great and unique style, and huge stones.

In addition, their connections are very accurate. These stones can be moved only with the use of modern machines, and some of them can not even move the car. These architectural masterpieces include precise knowledge of astronomy, as their angles and dimensions are exactly the attitude of some of the known celestial bodies and contain deep meaning.

For example, the legendary Pyramid of Khufu is composed of more than 2.3 million stone blocks. The average weight of these giant stones is 2.5 tons, and the heaviest - 250 tons. Geometric measurements are extremely accurate, with four faces looking to the West, North, East and South. The height of the pyramid, multiplied by 10 to 9 degrees, equal to the distance from Earth to the Sun, and multiplied by 43200 - distance north pole to the equatorial plane.


In turn, the perimeter multiplied by 43,200, gives the exact perimeter of the equator of our Earth. In addition, according to Joseph Davidovits, a French chemist, stones of the pyramid were made of so-called artificial geopolimernogo concrete.

As you know, the cultural relics of Tiwanaku are on a plateau at an altitude of 4,000 meters, on the border between Peru and Bolivia in South America. It is close to Lake Titicaca. These relics were built of huge stones laying next to each other, with each stone weighing several tens of tons, and the weight of some generally exceed several hundred tons.

Sacsayhuaman, an old castle, which is located in the ancient capital of the Inca Empire, in the Andes Mountains in South America, was built with the help of skilled chipping huge stones weighing up to 100 tons. And one of the stones up to 8 m in length, with the estimated weight - 360 tons (compared to the weight of the combined 500 cars).

The Tower of Babel, built about 5,000 years ago and is located in the relics of ancient Babylon, had the following dimensions: 91 feet wide and the same in length. It also was built by stacking giant stones. She had seven levels, and in the height of several hundred meters.

Legendary stones of Stonehenge stand directly in south-west England on Salisbury Plain. It is believed that they have a 4000-year history. This structure also contains a lot of astronomical knowledge. Certainly, referred to herein are unique structures, not all that existed in ancient times, and some of them still exist today. We have mentioned only the most famous of them.

Prehistoric architecture

Construction is among the most ancient human activities, and it means that for many thousands of years ago laid the foundation for all further development of architecture.


Prehistoric period through the use of different materials and techniques for making tools can be divided into the following stages: a stone (the Stone Age - Paleolithic and New Stone - Neolithic), Bronze and Iron Ages. However, it is very difficult to clearly define their boundaries, as the development of human society has always been uneven.

Prehistoric architecture 

Vladimir Ivanov


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