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Technology of frame and panel houses

"Canadian technology" construction of frame-panel houses - a modern version of the familiar and widely used technology of wooden frame houses.


What is the framework technology?

This technology is commercially made frame house of sandwich panels. All parts are made of a frame house at the factory with high accuracy and arrive at the construction site completely ready for installation at home. This allows for super-fast mounting frame house construction and startup works on 3-4 days after the beginning of installation!


What is sandwich panel?

This is the panel that has three-layer construction with a unique heat-mechanical characteristics. The outer layers of the panel are made of OSB (oriented strand board), the inner layer - PSB-S (self-extinguishing structural polystyrene). The connection between the panel elements are produced by gluing using a polyurethane adhesive. Mechanically sandwich panel (sandwich panel) is the spatial carrier Verma, which excludes from the construction of the house most of the elements of the framework. Use as an internal layer PSB-S, is a great insulating material provides a unique heat-saving properties of sandwich panels. Use in the manufacture of sandwich panels only eco-friendly raw materials and manufacturing processes can get a modern eco-friendly building material. Structural insulating panel consists of two oriented strand board OSB (OSB - Oriented Strand Board) between which a pressure bonded layer of hard foam as insulation. The thickness of the panels in the finished form is from 120 mm to 224 mm. Standard panel size 1.22 m by 2.44 m Maximum length - up to 7 meters. This panel offers exceptional energy-saving properties and has high durability.

SIP-panel - Technology

The technology of low-rise construction SiPs used in Ukraine recently, in the world as a popular building. This is due to the unique qualities of thermal insulation and water-resistant materials: in a house in the most extreme cold heat, and in the summer heat - cool. Frame-panel house, made by technology SiPs, meets all the requirements of modern life - eco-friendly, durable, reliable and affordable.

Benefits of SIP panels:

Today we can say that foam polystyrene inherent durability of more than 40 years, and maybe even a few times more. Indeed, polystyrene - the material is very young.

For the first time this foamed polymer obtained in 1952 by "BASF". About his life are the results of an experiment conducted by this company ... Styrofoam, laid under the roll roofing as insulation roof in 1955, recovered in 1986, explored the extracted sample, qualified special commission found that after '31 there have been no functional changes Styrofoam, he, as before, meets German standards.

A confirmed lifetime frame house of SIP panels for over 40 years, the estimated life of frame-panel houses at least 80 years.


Building built on technology SiPs, by construction type refers to frameless (with load-bearing walls), ie, the majority of structural elements combine bearing and protecting functions.

Wall construction technology with SiPs have high strength enables to erect buildings and even in earthquake areas. This is due to supreme rigidity coupled with low weight. Sandwich panel, by a monolithic bonding withstand a vertical load of 14 tons on one panel width of 1.25 m and a transverse load of 4.5 tons per 1 sq.m. (For building houses enough 350kg per 1 sq. m.)

In America and Canada of similar structures to build houses in 5 floors. Construction requirements in Ukraine restrict storey building, constructed of wooden structures with two floors (margin of safety is more than enough).

Eco house

At the core framework technology is the use of SiPs two basic materials: expanded polystyrene and extruded flat-plate-oriented wood chips (OSB).
Polystyrene foam has a cellular structure consisting of 98% air and 2% polystyrene. This material is hypoallergenic and is completely harmless to humans. A considerable amount of world production is used to make polystyrene food packaging and utensils.

OSB (Oriented Strand Board) is an oriented strand board, where a flat rectangular chips thickness of 0.6 mm and a length of 180 mm is placed in three different directions layer and pressed under high pressure and temperature with the use of wood and contemporary resin adhesive (MDI), not containing. MDI - reacts with hydrogenated contained in the wood to form polyurethane, which makes the stove additional reliability and toughness. An important argument for choosing of OSB is the small amount of glue in the slab (less than 3%) finally polymerizing a month after pressing. Therefore classified board Hygienic class E1.
These materials are not a breeding ground for mold and bacteria, do not rot and insect, do not contain volatile elements. Frame-panel houses of our company is completely safe for humans and the environment, in contrast to the materials of stone, slag (mineral wool) and cement (foam concrete, aerated concrete) materials.

Warm, energy-saving house

Following the European countries, Ukraine adopted new standards of thermal resistance and protecting load-bearing structures, reduce operational costs and energy savings. That is why today is rapidly developing technology of multilayer structures, where one part of the carrier performs the function, the second - the thermal protection of the building.

Canadian construction technology of low-rise building frame houses on its thermal technical and price proposal is the best of all on the market.
High thermal properties of SIP-panels provides highly efficient use of insulation - polystyrene. Expanded polystyrene is durable, does not crack, not a breeding ground for microorganisms, rodents and other animals, not rotten, not moldy and does not decompose. Breathability allows the building to breathe. Expanded polystyrene is resistant to chemical and biological media. Styrofoam, for its warmth, superior to many traditional materials, including mineral wool. He is second only to the polyurethane foam, but it is much cheaper.

In accordance with the current regulations limit heat loss for the house of 100 m2 - 10 kW / h.

An important factor in the thermal insulation material is water absorption. Moisture promotes conductivity: the raw material has a higher thermal conductivity and thermal protection has worse performance than the dry. This is because when wet material of the pores are filled with water, which has high thermal conductivity (approximately 20 times greater than air).

That is why the frame house, built on SIP technology with expanded polystyrene insulation, are the most warm and require low maintenance costs. During the period of rising prices for heating, like the building is completely pays for itself within 10 years, only to save money on heating. In this case, the owner of a frame house is not needed and powerful and, therefore, expensive heating system. Therefore, because of the properties of materials of construction of the SIP-panel, it has a unique strength and exceptional energy-saving properties. Frame houses, produced by this technology can be operated in the temperature range from - 50 ° C to + 50 ° C and provide a comfortable stay in the most extreme climatic conditions.


The frame and panel houses

Technology of frame and panel houses

Construction Technology

Vladimir Ivanov


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