Technology monolithic housing
To date, the existing technologies of construction of buildings and structures is the most promising monolithic building. This - the erection of structural elements of concrete mixture, using special forms (form) at the construction site.
To create a completely rigid frame with different kinds of envelopes. In our country many years preference for prefabricated construction. Although it may be noted that in the 30 years - the time of constructivism - had the experience of monolithic construction. Then it was time "brick" is actively promoted panel construction, and only the last 10 years, we can say that the rise building has taken its rightful place. Technology of monolithic building in Novosibirsk came to the West, where the calculated economic feasibility of a project is also not taken into account the cost of materials and the cost of the work and the associated costs. Speaking specifically about house building, the prefabricated are expensive, so the western building firms are rarely used them, preferring the construction of buildings of the monolith. With such technology becomes cheaper labor force, labor performed once.
In this connection it separately to highlight the benefits of monolithic building over other technologies: Step structures in solid construction does not matter. In the national team - all structures have dimensions that are multiples of a specific module, technology design, performed at the factory, not quickly change the shape of equipment. Therefore, architects and designers have been linked to certain types and sizes and, as a consequence - are limited in making design decisions.
Solid brick building easier to 15-20%. Significantly reduced the thickness of the walls and ceilings. By facilitating weight design reduces material consumption bases, respectively, reduces the cost of installation of foundations.
The production cycle is carried to the site. When prefabricated house construction products are manufactured at the plant, are brought to the site, are mounted. In the manufacture of prefabricated constructions laid tolerances at all stages of the process that lead to extra work in finishing the joints. If monolithic construction is on well-established pattern, the construction of buildings is carried out in a shorter time. In addition, quality work eliminates the need for wet processes. Walls and ceilings are almost ready for finishing.
Monolithic building provides a virtually "seamless" design. This increases the performance of heat and sound insulation. At the same time, the design of more durable.
Monolithic construction process consists of several stages: preparation and delivery of concrete (grades 200-400), the preparation of the formwork and proper placement of concrete. This process is especially simplified if there is a possibility of creating a concrete unit directly on the site.
Now for the formwork. The use of modern formwork systems for concrete construction significantly improves its workability. Time, quality erection of structures is largely dependent formwork. Modern formwork systems can be classified according to various criteria. In scope and specific objectives: for walls, ceilings for, columns, walls ring with a variable radius, tunnel, one-sided.
On design features: frame, beamed.
By the method of installation: stationary, self-elevating, climbing, and lifting.
By size: large-, small-pieces.
Materials used. For the manufacture of formwork elements using various materials: steel, aluminum, and wood, plastic.
As long as our country has not yet created a universal formwork system, so the Russian building market struggling foreign manufacturers of formwork. Widely available disassembled and transportability, small-and Large-timbering, formwork, i.e., consisting of modular panels, beams with the additional elements. Mainly on the basis of modular panels made formwork system "NOE", "Peri", "MEVA" (Germany), "Doc" (Austria), "Pashaly" (Germany), "UTINORD" (France). Earlier this year, the concern "MEVA" developed the most modern formwork systems, where instead of the commonly used plywood used brand new durable plastic (PP) polypropylene plates "Alkus."
Austrian-German company "Doc" is one of the world's largest producers of formwork. The range of company products - the different types of formwork: wall to ceiling, Climbing and more. Development and manufacturing of all parts shuttering one company confirmed the international quality certificate ISO 9002. Most recently, the production casing has launched Petersburg "Marketing Center" Arsenal ", which offers a set of tunnel formwork for monolithic construction. Versatility of the new model allows both fill the walls and floors of the building, resulting in staggered height of the walls varies from 2.8 to 3, 0 m, a thickness of 130 to 160 mm. Designing a room can be up to 5.5 m wide, and build arches and openings.
It is also proposed shuttering "trapeze" designed for circular tanks, sewage treatment plants, swimming pools or shuttering the company "GLYAYTBAU" - for the construction of special complexity. A completely different approach is used in the development and design of formwork system "Alum Systems" (Canada). The system includes a set of standardized load-bearing elements of aluminum alloy, which is collected from the forms of various sizes and load capacity of the technology of construction, concreting speed, load, and other characteristics of monolithic structures. After assembling the frame to it in size panels attached plywood deck. Thus, the formwork can be used for a wider range of buildings and structures, including the tanks, swimming pools are round, with floors of any shape, including vaulted, and the use of standardized load bearing elements for specific load can be operated more efficiently.
Firm "Kanstroy groups" in Russia is an original technology of construction of buildings and structures using polystyrene blocks permanent form (so-called building system AAB). This system, which was invented in the 80's in Canada, is a permanent form of block of Styrofoam to fit wheel during manufacture jumpers. Simple laying on each other eight rows of blocks form one floor of the future building, the grooves laid fitting jumpers - the floor is ready for pouring concrete. It is also important that the implementation of each project builders must consider options for the acquisition or rental formwork. In Russia, the companies that provide formwork for rent with formwork design to a specific object, grouping, and technical support, but one.
formation of clamps.
Technology monolithic housing
Construction Technology

Vladimir Ivanov