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Romanesque (Latin romanum - «Roman") appeared in X-XII centuries in Europe during the endless war between the emerging European countries. During this period, most of the buildings and structures had to carry a defensive function. Images of castles and monasteries symbolized secrecy and protection, it appeared the principle of isolation and tightness in the forms. Another important feature of the Romanesque style is harmony with the surrounding landscape: construction if growing out of rocks on which they are built, the towers and thick walls do not oppose themselves to the surrounding area, as well as to seek to merge with it and even add to it. Usually those days, built structures of stone.


The interiors of the Romanesque style stern and austere: large fireplaces, rough shapes of furniture, thick, plastered with visible skeleton structure walls, thick and heavy doors, pillars in the center of rooms, ceilings with exposed beams.

The Romanesque style in the interior.

In the tenth century, at the turn of the millennium there was a common European identity - Romanesque. He remained dominant in medieval Western Europe in the XI and XII centuries. The term "Romanesque" appeared in the XIX century and means "Roman".


Carefully make furniture for seating. Chair and chairs themselves were not high enough, they point to the value of nobility of origin. Upholstery was not, they were covered with paint and canvas are often skin-tight, then put a layer of plaster and the whole structure then sign it paints.

Later masters begin decorating furniture with carved elements, wrought iron items, to give it more strength and beauty.

During this period, an important role for the beds, the construction reminiscent frame on carved legs, surrounded rkshetkoy. In addition to the beds in all the rich houses hung canopies, which met at the time the function of protecting from the cold.

In the castles of noble lords zastilasis floors with oriental carpets. From Romanesque also preserved tkachesstva wonderful examples, including the famous 70-meter carpet of Bayeux, which is associated with the name of Queen Matilda.

era to the design (before a designer)

Roman antiquity - III century BC-V century AD

Era before design.

Vladimir Ivanov


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