Gothic architecture, that Gothic architecture, which was formed before the end of the Middle Ages, it is a phenomenon, which has never produced the taste and imagination of man. Great is the joy of discovery of masterpieces, buried for centuries after the death of civilization had produced them. In the Renaissance, a joy experienced novootkryvateli antiquity otkapyvaya marble statue of ideal proportions and wonderfully painted amphora. But medieval art stayed hidden for long, though, and not in the ground, but no less reliable under heavy layer of confusion. But then came the insight, and the beauty of this art has won the hearts tired of emasculated rules of classicism.
The name of this art style is derived from the Italian word "Manieri Gothic" - "gothic style" (from the name of the Germanic tribe ready). In Renaissance Italy so named Northern European medieval art - the art style, which dominated in Western, Central and Eastern Europe, in part between the middle of the XII century. and the XV-XVI centuries.
In Gothic art, which replaced the Romanesque style, influenced the formation of nations and nation-states, cities, and strengthening trade and craft circles, the development of secular traits in urban and knightly culture.
Leading architectural style in the Gothic cathedral was, towering over the city building and capable at times accommodate the entire adult population of the city. The cathedral and around the focused social life of citizens. Frame system of Gothic architecture has created an unprecedented height and vastness of the interiors of cathedrals (the height of the interior in the cathedral at Beauvais in France more than 47 m) and cut through the wall-sized windows with multi-colored stained glass.
Aspiration Cathedral pointed skyward
giant openwork towers (height towers of the cathedral in Cologne, Germany, 157 m),
high pointed arches, windows and doorways,
numerous decorative details (openwork gables - "vimpergi" turret - "phials" curls - "Crabb", round window with a complex binding - "Rose").
Colored light coming through the stained glass windows, reinforces the impression of immensity, infinite space, saturation interior movement. Constructive foundation of the cathedral is a framework of poles and relies on them lancet arches.
Groin spread on intersecting ribs - "ribs" and a set of side thrust sent binders oblique arches ("flying buttresses") to powerful external poles ("spurs").
Passing out of structural elements has created a sense of ease and freedom of interior space. Statues and sculptures of the portal or at the altar barrier acquired profound spiritual content (reflecting the complex drama of life), aspiration and mobility, accented rhythm of folds and slight curve shapes. On the facade of the cathedral were placed statues of saints and allegorical figures of the best of them marked by spiritual beauty, solemn tranquility poses and gestures, in other parts of the building are numerous secular images - human scenes, satirical images, fantastic shapes of animals ("Chimera"). Various subjects stained-glass windows - the main form of Gothic painting.
Arch and vault. These architectural forms, so skillfully used by the Romans and then formed the basis of the art of building in medieval Europe, even before Rome emerged in Iran, which in turn inherited them from the ancient cultures of Mesopotamia. Possibly to the same sources, and goes great on the originality and significance of Armenian architecture, the geographical position is favorable for such continuity. Already in the V - VII centuries. combination centric composition basilica led to the creation of Armenian domed basilicas and unique "domed halls," in which pylons adjacent to the longitudinal walls, arguing thus indivisibility of the internal space. But this is not enough: the Armenian architects perhaps the first in the world began to build besstolpnyh halls, covered vzaimoperekreschivayuschimisya arches, putting it top nervyurnoy system. Expressed and other hypotheses regarding the origin of the system (Ancient Rome, Lombardy, even England).
However, in the later Middle Ages there was no doubt in the fact that the basic system is designed by French Gothic architects, and in Europe it was called the "building in the French manner." In fact, Gothic architecture replaced the Romanesque was the first time in France, and in the second half of the XII century.
In accordance with specific local conditions, historical process, which took place at that time in Italy, directed artistic creation to the ideal, which, often bypassing the Gothic, destined to become the art of the Renaissance, or the Renaissance. In France, with its purely medieval cultural tradition are progressive phenomena caused by its rapid rise transition from Romanesque to Gothic.
Suffice it to say that in Paris, who in the late Middle Ages not only the actual capital of the state, but also a recognized center of its cultural life, there were about a hundred guilds of artisans, including not least the masons and sculptors, and the number of residents by the end of XII century . to nearly one hundred thousand, which was then unprecedented.
Founded in 1150 the University of Paris was the center of medieval learning, which plays a significant role came through the church scholasticism commitment to science. No wonder one of the writers of the time called Paris, which would come from other countries, scientists, artists, and all hungry for education, "the source, watering circle the earth."
And, besides Paris, Chartres and besides all Ile-de-France, the most advanced are the northern provinces of Picardy, Champagne and Normandy - with flourishing cities like Amiens, Reims and Rouen - the true treasures of Gothic art.
Lasted more than three centuries Gothic in France:
- The last third of the XII and XIII in the first quarter - Early Gothic;
- From 20's. until the end of the XIII century. - Mature, or High Gothic;
- XIV - XV centuries. - Late Gothic style, first with joy beaming its decorative and therefore sometimes called the "radiant," and then a "flaming", whose rapidly overgrown ornamental attained an independent value.
The basis of the Romanesque church building itself served as the rock mass. This mass, with its thick, solid walls supported and balanced girth arches, columns and other architectural details, performs support functions. For greater stability Romanesque building architect to increase the thickness and strength of the wall, on which he concentrated focus.
It is improving the support system was to produce a true revolution in the then architecture.
Creating the highest groin vaults on lancet ribs or ribs, taking the brunt of the overlap, increasing the number of ribs coming out of each pillar formed beam columns, the introduction of so-called flying buttresses - poluarok carrying the pressure of the upper middle of the nave walls extended up to the powerful exterior columns - buttresses the side aisles, which function as opposing forces - all this is so enriched the support system that it has acquired an independent meaning. This was the perfect revolution.
Deprived of its uselessness Romanesque column, fearlessly cut in huge windows in bright multi-colored stained glass and disappearing in the lace of carved stone, the wall has lost its defining character in the overall structure of the building and we can say it as it was no more. So that the entire building was reduced to skeleton - in overcoming gravity wonderfully overgrown up frame, which became the basis of all Gothic architecture.
Gothic. XII-XV centuries.
Gothic - period in the development of medieval art in the Western, Central and Eastern Europe, partly from the XII to XV-XVI century. Gothic replaced the Romanesque style, gradually replacing it. The term "Gothic" is most often used to a certain style of architecture, which can be summarized as "eerily majestic." But gothic covers almost all the works of art of the period: sculpture, painting, miniatures, stained glass, murals and many others.
Gothic was born in the middle of XII century in the north of France, in the XIII century, it spread to the territory of modern Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Spain, and England. In Italy, the Gothic penetrated later, with great difficulty and strong transformation, leading to the emergence of "Italian Gothic." At the end of the XIV century, Europe embraced the so-called International Gothic. In Eastern Europe Gothic entered later and stayed there a little longer - until the XVI century.
Vladimir Ivanov