Mannerism, like the Renaissance, can not be called style. Renaissance more significant phenomenon than the style and mannerism, on the contrary, lower-ranking style. It is an artistic trend, which reflects the transition from the Renaissance to the Baroque.
Mannerism (from the Italian maniera - «style, the style") while using samples of the Renaissance, but can not get the depth of content. In the Mannerist painters, decorators, architects, can, and could reach a virtuoso of excellence, but their art was superficial. Mannerism, the nature of plastics, more complicated, tricky, flamboyant. If history - is the first version of the kind of mass culture. The word "manernichane" which is still used today to determine the kind of art, in its meaning an accurate measure of mannerism and expresses the very essence of this phenomenon - namely, blind imitation of someone's methods, shallow imitation of samples.
Mannerism in a broader sense - is the latest phase of the crisis of any style, in which the decomposition of the main qualities and principles. In a narrow sense, in the works of any master, mannerism - it looks spectacular, imitative, superficial art, which is designed for recognition.
The main elements of Mannerist:
• painting walls and ceilings decorated with frescoes (paintings, ornaments, psevdolepnina, psevdobarelefy, psevdostatui, false doors and windows);
• overwrought, lack of stylistic unity;
• artsy beauty and expressiveness of parts;
• crudity of planning buildings, the lack of certain principles of organization form
• more vivid and original use of color and form than at the Renaissance;
• rich gold and silver inlay;
• denial of the old forms, with their eclectic and hypertrophy.
Thus, in order to fulfill interiors mannerism:
Active use in interior painting. The walls are painted ornaments that express various allegorical images, symbols and logos.
Adorned the interior of a large number of paintings in the style of mannerism. Will look well in the interior paintings of artists such as Giorgio Vasari, Francesco Salviati, Domenico Beccafumi, copies of their paintings as well as followers of the school of mannerism.
When choosing colors, use bright colors and incongruous colors.
When designing the interior in the style of mannerism, look for the opportunity to do in the interior of the various "Dummy", for example, non-existent windows or doors.
Choosing the furniture, you should choose items adorned with gold, silver or bronze, or cheaper copies. Furniture should look expensive and pretentious.
Accessories should also look very expensive. Well suited antiques XVI-XVII centuries, with precious materials or copies thereof.
Traditional interior in the style of mannerism should look artificial, so this style in its purest form is rarely used for interior decoration.
era to the design (before a designer)
Mannerism - XVI-XVII century.
Era before design.
Vladimir Ivanov