XIX century is replete with the revolutionary events and turning points in culture and art. On one of those turning points in the world, a very contradictory and ambiguous phenomenon, whose title - "eclectic."
Eclectica (Greek eklektikos - «picking") - is the connection fundamentally opposed parts of different styles in one art image. In a broader sense, it means joining into one organically incompatible elements.
Eclecticism - a creation of popular culture. As any example of art that focuses on the broad masses of consumers, eclecticism has its positive and negative sides. During the XIX century eclecticism indulging the desires and tastes, as well as the desire to meet any requirements inevitably lead to a decline in the aesthetic qualities (such a situation can be seen to this day.) Meanwhile, eclecticism is not only obvious damage, but the positives. First of all, all that is eclectic, not necessarily a sign of bad taste. If eclecticism creates a master of high-end, with a good sense of taste and measure, then it is quite capable even look stylish. An example of this - the building of the New Hermitage architect Leo Klenze, which, unlike the other buildings of the Hermitage, does not belong to any particular style. It brings together elements from three different styles, but in this case it is no less original and stylish than most beautiful buildings of the ensemble.
On the plus side eclecticism can be seen as a testing ground for overcoming the dominance of stamps and developing new techniques. Centuries of tradition embodied, rigid rules, adjusted canons, from which, it would seem, can not escape, were destroyed in a relatively short period. Eclectic cultural cleared space for new ideas, creating a deep cultural crisis. But without this decline, the fall of understanding and control would not have happened and take-off. Maybe it was the need to complete the prolonged illness and forced eclecticism of the best representatives of culture and art to generate those new and beautiful styles, which will talk further.
Eclectica (Greek eklektikos - choose) in interior design - a combination of dissimilar in style, origin, opposite in an artistic sense, "incompatible" elements of architectural decoration, objects, works of art, the "drop out" of conventional stylistic unity of the interior.
Eclecticism - a characteristic feature of the fracture, when aesthetic norms of the organization leaving the past life no longer satisfy people, and the new has not yet been formed. So it was at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries, when a purely external and often superficial assimilation of some signs of artistic styles and their non-creative connection in buildings and household items to satisfy the diversity of which excluded the organic development of the style: the blind imitation of historical patterns led to a faceless imitation and loss of healthy flavor .
Similar examples can be seen in the interiors of our day - unprincipled transfer random shapes, mindlessly copying and combining images posmoderna, high-tech and other fashion trends, creates monotony interrupted, extinguishing each other experiences.
However, I believe eclectic phenomenon only negative is wrong.
First, it is almost inevitable: even conceived in the same stylistic vein model of the interior very often in conflict with the image of their substantive content - things bearing the sign of the times, the conditions of production, or, finally, the individual taste of the owner. So modern electronics is indispensable accessory and conceptual, and finished under retro apartments where antique paintings, furniture styled to blend seamlessly home theater, split system, and other attributes of any modern home.
Second, the desire and neobhodimostispolzovat one interior decor components and equipment with conflicting visual characteristics led to the improvement of professional skills of designers, the development of specific technologies aesthetic compatibility of diverse meanings and experiences.
Among them - the building within the overall interior concept mini-songs with the same style inside the other, where it joins the contrasting parts and combinations, matching negate each other details of individual characteristics (size intimacy, unity of color similarity articulation and so on).
Thus, in the eclectic interior design is no longer evidence of incompetence or creative limitations author, but takes on a new quality - the intelligent search of artistic synthesis of objects and forms, apparently not be shared aesthetic existence.
era to the design (before a designer)
Eclecticism - XIX century.
Era before design.
Vladimir Ivanov