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An important aspect of the evolution of the design is the desire to create something special. The experience of many generations shows that the creation of something new, you need to give up the old. During the formation of the design (functionalism, constructivism, neoplastitsizm, rationalism, Suprematism) developed new principles and rules of the new evaluation criteria, and in the classical period (minimalism), they were brought to perfection. But it's a different time, when the young generation of designers no longer be content with what is so long and hard to the Creative their "fathers." And as has happened before, it became necessary to destroy all that has established laws, rules, canons. As it happened in the XIX century, once again changing tastes, become blurred criteria and many designers have believed that time itself is in need of "pervasive eclecticism." Replaced combine harmoniously with each other, verified the proportions form represents an incompatible combination, ie conscious union of diverse musical elements that have been taken from different eras. Eclectic, outrageous acidity implemented in strict logical classicality. Instead of wanting to create something meaningful, thoughtful, that must be a model of perfection, there is the principle of the creation of original, shocking, and fun, fun.

Rather difficult task facing contemporary designers: combining incongruous, avoid vkusovschina.


What is kitsch


Kitsch or kitsch (from the German kitsch - «trash") - is a term that refers to a specific phenomenon in the field of art, architecture, design, etc. He has appeared in different countries and in all had a value of about one and the same: the mass production , bad taste, cheap. As pseudo kitsch focuses on showiness and external effect. It generally devoid of aesthetic value, refers to the lowest strata of the mass culture. The main features of it are tasteless right color combinations, hype or mush, unjustified overwrought, the connection of incompatible elements, from which comes a feeling of inner discomfort, etc.

In our time, one of the fashionable themes are styling. To date, there are many different styling:


• imitation of the classics - mainly the use of elements of classical order system. Also, the imitation of the classics and today rank as the use of elements of the Rococo and Baroque.
• stylized modern.
• imitation of the style of early design (neoplastitsizm, Constructivism, Suprematism, and so on).
• Styling with different national forms, ie the so-called ethnic styles.


Very often the styling are eclectic in nature and in such a case may be referred to simply eclecticism with any elements.

Epoch Design (after the mid XX century)

design era (the period in which we live, modern, when the design is fully formed as an art form and a profession).


Epoch Design.

Vladimir Ivanov


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