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Eclectic style (from the Greek ekiektikos - the ability to choose, to choose) - to connect disparate artistic elements, and usually takes place during the decline of art. Along with Neo-Renaissance architecture in the second half of the XIX century. a growing tendency to use a wide variety of forms of past styles, from Romanesque and Baroque style ending. Emerged so eclectic style among others of basic principles of society at the end of XIX century., Is to try to the maximum, even ostentatious magnificence of public buildings, in which over classical building materials and methods of interior begin to dominate their imitation, rich moldings and other decorative form. The buildings of this kind, but sometimes reached a high artistic level, have become characteristic of the entire architectural complexes and new residential neighborhoods, with extraordinary rapidity that arose in the late XIX century. in all the major cities of Europe.


Eclectic elements visible, for example, in the late ancient Roman art, combined form, borrowed from the art of Greece, Egypt, Asia Minor and others gravitated toward eclecticism representatives of the Bolognese school, who thought they could achieve excellence, combining the best, in their view, by works of the great masters of the Renaissance.


In the history of art of the most prominent place is eclectic architecture of the mid-2nd half of the 19th century. Extremely widely and often uncritically used the form of various historical styles (Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, etc.) characteristic, however, that the architectural and ornamental eclecticism with his "freedom of choice" of architectural and ornamental motifs had a significant influence on the formation of a holistic, in its essence, but eating a variety of sources of "modern" style.


In the field of fine art eclecticism is typical of salon art. Broad rasppostranenie eclectic tendencies were in the Western European and American culture from the mid 20th century. in connection with the development of post-modernism and the fashion for "retrospectivism" decoration copying certain stylistic trends of the past (including the eclecticism of the 19th century.).


End of XIX century. Characterized by eclecticism, also was a period of intensive development of metal structures and their use in architecture. This played an important role so-called Chicago school, which laid the foundation for the use of a metal frame in multi-storey commercial and office buildings. The emergence of the Chicago school, which was at the end of XIX century. only center of progressive ideas in the dead of eclectic imitation characteristic of American architecture, was stimulated by intense construction boom that occurred in 1870 in Chicago after the Great Fire. The founder of the school was William Le Baron Jenny, who designed the first skyscraper - the building of the insurance company "Home Inshurens Company" (1883 - 1885). First skyscraper with a metal frame building is considered, implemented Buffingtonom LS (1880), although the frame and remains hidden behind a massive stone facade. The progressive nature of the building had a different Dzhenneya, called "Leiter" (1889), which forms restraint and constructive pattern on the facade expressed basic architectural principles of the Chicago School. They reached their peak in the works of Ruth, and especially L. Sullivan, the author of 12 - storey department store "Carson, Pirie and Scott" (1899), the main architectural element of which was the horizontal three-sided box. Regularly spaced, such windows give facades character array. It is surprising, "the present" architectural appearance of the Chicago skyline is generated primarily by the need to obtain a well-lit interiors, free internal space of massive structural elements in order to achieve a functional and universal planning.


The influence of the Chicago school for the further development of American architecture was put down a new outbreak of academic historicism and supported by the architectural decisions of the World Exposition in Chicago in 1893, Principles of the Chicago school still occasionally be reflected in the work of her students.


Characteristic features of the eclectic style


Shifted the boundaries between different kinds of creativity. Architecture has become closer sculpture, and sculpture has adopted the principles of the tectonic architecture. In place of a simple mix of architecture and fine arts came again their synthesis, which in less than two decades of its existence, the images of the coming era. Architecture unusually clearly expressed sense of time - the world advanced technology and outgoing historical romanticism. It was a harbinger of the integration of art and technology functions at a higher level of development, so it is so closely intertwined technical and functional aspects of the artistic.


The transition to modern architecture characterized by the richness of its internal differentiation, the process that can be divided into two stages, which are organically intertwined and do not have the exact boundaries of any architecture of a country, or in the works of a single architect. For the first phase of development was particularly evident ideological disagreement with historicism, the effects of which impact on the architecture of the XX century. Cases of periodic return to the principles of free art show that architects are trying every possible way to achieve a convincing image of the products. The second stage is represented uniquely desire to focus on the functional logic of architecture, which meant a radical change in its design and artistic principles.


Despite the "mnogostile" eclectic style tended towards the creation of large urban ensembles in the "Russian" or "European" style (red and Lubyanka Square building of China-town). Modern appearance historic part of Moscow is largely formed eclecticism, the basic principles of which meet the requirements of enlarging the scale of building. "Facade" eclectic style architecture, despite some fragmentation and monotonous repetition of parts, gave the front of the building a huge relief and charm. Much attention was paid to the role of large urban buildings and their expressive silhouette, which ended with the spectacular, visible from afar, or peaked domes coated with ridges. A characteristic feature of the development of Moscow 1870-90's. the emergence of the monumental, representative, often overloaded decoration, sometimes whimsical and fanciful in form of buildings, though quite organically "included" in the structure of the city (the State Bank on Neglinnaya Street, architect KM Bykovsky, 1893-95, International Trade bank at the Kuznetsk bridge architect SS Eybushitts, 1898; Sandunovsky baths, architect BV Freidenberg, 1894-95). For public buildings and private residences eclecticism typical interior decoration in various "historical styles" (classical, neo-Gothic, "Moorish", etc.).


Eclectic style is the style of the interior, if it is designed on the basis of a combination of no more than two or three types of stylistic, united colors, textures, architectural design, diversity, belonging to different styles, motifs, in the same stylistic approach. Talent designer combines them in color, architectural solutions. Uses a combination of objects and furniture of different time and origin.

Eclecticism. 1830s - 1890s.


Eclectica (eclecticism, historicism) in architecture - the direction in architecture that dominated Europe and Russia in the 1830s-1890s.

Forms and styles of buildings in the eclectic tied to its function. For example, in the Russian practice, Russian style KA Ton became the official style hramostroitelstva, but hardly used in private buildings. Eclecticism "mnogostilna" in the sense that the construction of one period based on different styles and schools, depending on the purpose of the buildings (churches, public buildings, factories, houses) and on the means of the customer (coexist rich decor, filling the entire surface of the building, and economical " The brick "architecture). This is a fundamental difference from the eclectic empire, dictated a single style for buildings of any type.

Vladimir Ivanov


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