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Neo-Russian style


While in Europe in the fight against eclecticism was stronger style than modern, in Russia for the restoration of a pure style fought just three styles: neoclassical, art nouveau and neo-Russian style.


In Russia, before the neo-Russian style have been attempts stylistic updates based on the Byzantine origins of ancient architecture. From the middle of XIX century tried to fight for the establishment of a national style, that is, simultaneously with the emergence of eclecticism in the world. But these searches have not been successful for a long time. Russian style represented the outspoken styling, which had no significant artistic value.


The situation changed radically with the emergence of neo-Russian style in the late XIX century. A distinctive feature of the new national style was to identify a landmark in styling. Russian style was focused on formal architecture of the pre-Petrine period, while the neo-Russian style was aimed at the ancient folk art. But the main thing was contained in that neo-Russian style creators are artists, over which prevailed cargo architectural traditions, canons and rules, not architects, as it was with the Russian style. A high aesthetic level led neo-Russian style talent level authoritative authors, as well as entirely fresh look through the prism of art, not architectural experience. It was the rare occasion when it ceased to be a pastiche and stood on a par with the original. Only with the participation of prominent personalities really, what were the representatives in Talashkino Abramtsevo circle could be so deep insight into the nature of the spirit of folk art.


While in Europe in the late XIX century, the return of a pure style fought mighty modern, in Russia in a battle with an eclectic involved just three styles: modern, neo-classical and neo-Russian style.

     Before the advent of neo-Russian style in Russia has been trying to create a stylistic updates and a national style. They became the Russian style, he emerged with the rise in the world of eclecticism. Russian style of architecture was guided by the pre-Petrine period, and cough up the Russian spirit, but led only to a precise and characteristic dry copying of parts and components. His frank pastiche had high artistic value.

     Neo-Russian style was a landmark in styling to the ancient folk art. Moreover, the creators of neo-Russian style were not architects, both in the Russian style, and artists who have not looked at the architectural traditions, rules and canons. Fresh artistic vision and talent level authoritative creators brought the neo-Russian style in a high aesthetic level. Not for nothing is called neo-Russian style thoughtful author processing origins of folk art.

era to the design (before a designer)

Neo-Russian style - the end of XIX-beginning of XX century.

Era before design.

Vladimir Ivanov


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