Deconstruction - the direction of modern architecture based on the use in construction practice ideas of French philosopher Jacques Derrida. Another source of inspiration is the deconstructionists Soviet constructivism of the 1920s. For deconstruction characteristic visual complexity, unexpected broken forms, emphasized aggressive intrusion into the urban environment.
As an independent trend deconstruction formed in the late 1980s. (The works of Peter Eisenman and Daniel Libeskind). Theoretical considerations motivated movement began about the possibility of Derrida architecture that is in conflict, "debunks" and abolishes itself. Further development they received in periodicals Rem Koolhaas. Manifestos deconstruction considered firehouse "Vitra" Zaha Hadid (1993) and the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Frank Gehry (1997).
Progressive achievements in architecture, however, are often used to clean fomalisticheskih which take decisions on the rationalist construction tasks. The term "deconstruction" was coined by the French philosopher Jacques Derida and used in literary criticism to refer to this method of reading the work, when deliberately created conflict between the meaning of the text and its interpretation adopted. This method spread to the visual arts, and architecture, as a reaction to the Western metaphysical philosophy.
Deconstruction as a trend in the architecture of the 20th century appears in the late 80's.
By definition of deconstruction theorist Jacques Derida, this is not a style but a method, an approach to the basics of architects based on the traditional approach to architecture as an art form. This is not the destruction of existing buildings, and the conscious creation of conflict between the way people used to perceive the language and meaning, and what he sees.
Deconstruction - it is a matter of architects themselves, can liberate architecture from the hegemony of aesthetics, beauty, usefulness, functionality, is it really so immutable concepts of order and disorder, and whether you can build a building, renouncing all the principles of a common underlying architecture, including: tectonics, balance, verticals and horizontals, or are an architect, destroying the old principles, to create something new. Renouncing the old principles, create new forms, new space, new types of buildings in which these motives "written" from scratch, having lost their original hegemony. And to create is to say "yes" instead of "no."
Among the main representatives of this trend worth mentioning P. Eisenman, B. Chumi, D. Libeskind, H. Fujii.
A very significant piece of deconstruction in architecture - Institute of the sun - was built by "Behnisch and Partners" at the Stuttgart University. According to the joint German-Saudi research project at the University planned to build a special building for a variety of studies on the use of solar energy passing both indoors and outdoors. As a result, on the outskirts of the huge campus was built a small building with a very important role. This special role predetermined architectural design of this building, which reflected its place in innovative research.
Two other factors influenced the choice of construction methods and materials for the building - the need to build it very quickly and a modest budget. External shape and the interior of the strange structures of steel and glass can fully give an idea of ​​what deconstruction in architecture: the abundance of sharp edges, broken links offset horizontal and vertical, twisted window, chaotic rhythm of openings, standing at an angle supports, who do not have a protruding everywhere whether parts of structures, or utilities, the feeling of complete disorder in the usual sense of the word. Apparently, the architects have succeeded in creating a building that is appropriate for a given function, thus saying "yes."
Because experiments deconstructionists Not even the test of time, it is difficult to speak of the value or worthlessness of their efforts in terms of further development of architecture. But most of all, the development are in a more positive aesthetic architectural programs.
Deconstruction. Since the end. 1980s.

Deconstruction - the direction of modern architecture based on the use in construction practice ideas of French philosopher Jacques Derrida. Another source of inspiration is the deconstructionists Soviet constructivism of the 1920s. Deconstructivist projects for distinctive visual complexity, unexpected broken and deliberately destructive form, and also emphasized the aggressive invasion of the urban environment.
As an independent trend deconstruction formed in the late 1980s. (The works of Peter Eisenman and Daniel Libeskind). Theoretical considerations motivated movement began about the possibility of Derrida architecture that is in conflict, "debunks" and abolishes itself. Further development they received in periodicals Rem Koolhaas. Manifestos deconstruction considered firehouse "Vitra" Zaha Hadid (1993) and the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Frank Gehry (1997).

Vladimir Ivanov