Calculation and Design
In This section covers the fundamentals of design and analysis of the most common and widely used in construction practice support structures.
Page is designed for engineers and specialists in the field of construction and building technology, professional activities in construction trades, particularly in the specialty "Construction of buildings and structures", with all its specializations baseline. It may be of interest to engineers, high school, where discipline "Building construction" has in the curriculum, but it is not profiling. Can be useful for building technician, engaged in production activity or project business in terms of new construction or renovation in the housing sector, and especially in small businesses.
Prerequisites for writing such an electronic page following. First, the electronic page on building structures for engineers and not released for a long time. During this time, the changed requirements of building regulations in many other steel and designed and applied themselves to their content. Second, in recent years, the amount of specialized technical information is significantly reduced.
According to my opinion, this electronic page is very different from existing both in content and construction.
Existing home pages for building structures written by analogy to other home pages, which traditionally are five parts, depending on the materials used: metal construction, concrete and concrete products, timber and construction of plastic, stone and reinforced masonry construction and, finally, a few apart - Foundations. Previously unreleased home pages largely replicate the same electronic page, which, as a rule, are separate articles for each of the materials and written by different authors, or by teams - experts in a particular field, which is valid for engineering universities and academies.
The proposed in this section I have attempted to address building construction is not primarily based on the material, but depending on the static scheme of work: compression, bending, rod, etc. Here, you first have to common design approaches to the calculation based on the theory of strength of materials, and then the material is considered as a particular manifestation of the various characteristics of structures.
Moreover, I have set as a primary objective to combine materials in a single web page, which is well justified and has a number of advantages. On the one hand, the web pages are excluded some of the theoretical approaches and analysis of complex engineering structures, which were taken from college textbooks and were "redundant" information in the study of the basic course. On the other hand, eliminating duplication of certain information (for example, the topic "Loads and effects", "limit analysis", etc.), which in previous editions are repeated in each of the web pages.
Thus, the proposed web page is focused on a particular destination - the future of technology-builder baseline.
"Building construction" as a special cycle information in accordance with the standard of vocational education as its main goal is to show that level engineers fundamentals of analysis and design of structures, grounds and foundations, which most frequently encountered in construction practice.
Web page is addressed to a building technician basic level, so we will focus on the most simple and at the same time, the widespread construction of structures used in buildings.
Section "Building construction", like others, is based on data from many disciplines, but is most closely associated with such as "Technical mechanics", "Construction materials" and "Architecture of the buildings."
"Technical mechanics," and above all "Strength of Materials" as a part of it, is the elementary theory of strength, it is the closest to the "building structures" in terms of the main goal - the calculation to ensure reliable operation of individual structures and buildings in general.
Main difference lies in the fact that the "strength of materials" are considered totally elastic and homogeneous material, as in "building structures" - and heterogeneous (eg reinforced concrete), and not necessarily totally elastic (concrete, brick).
"Construction materials" as part of this web page is considered the physical and mechanical properties of materials with the help of laboratory and other tests. "Building construction" primarily interested strength properties of building materials and based on that basis formulas.
"Architecture of the buildings' foundations engaged in architectural design, building components and methods of their connections, without delving deeply into the issues of their strength, which is the main task of the subject" Building construction ".
Building structures are also closely related disciplines such as "Economics" and "Technology of construction of production." First decide on cost-effectiveness and feasibility of the design of structures, and the second - ease of manufacture, installation and transportation.
Modern calculations are impossible without the use of computers, especially when performing complex calculations of structures and facilities. Perform calculations of simple structures "by hand" for training purposes necessary for the development of engineering thinking, conscious and informed assessment of their reliability. For a variety of reasons, the authors do not result in this book calculations by computer.
In This section covers the fundamentals of design and analysis of the most common and widely used in construction practice support structures. To see the contents of this section please follow the link.
Vladimir Ivanov