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In our presentation, the first style - a classic antique (XI century BC. E. - V century BC. Oe., Not to be confused with classicism, which appeared only in the XVII century). But this is not because the ancient classics was the first in the history of mankind style. Styles emerged in the past, but their influence on the subsequent development of culture and art can not be compared with antiquity. For example, the earlier style, which originated in ancient Egypt, no doubt, is no less interesting and great, but taken separately period, traces of which are not so significant in the subsequent evolution of styles, as the traces of antiquity. Incorporate elements of decor in the Egyptian interior - is often just a fashion, without a thorough understanding of the ancient culture.


For example, the mid XIX century, after Napoleon's expedition to Egypt, I became very fashionable to use an Egyptian theme, as it brought the exotic, but such inclusion does not mean penetration depth of the style, but are just stylized it (superficial stylization).

By contrast, the Roman and Greek antiquity has created such a perfect system of values, without which no subsequent period is complete. Almost every new style you can see the base, "base", which remained from ancient times. Until now, the ancient canons of the basis for many interiors.

For example, you can also bring the Renaissance (XIV-XVII centuries), when they were rediscovered and refined the principles of the ancient period. And also the period of classicism (XVII-XIX century), when the ancient traditions were revived again. They are widely used in modern interiors and the present day.


In ancient times identified major canons of beauty, to develop common criteria for the evaluation of harmony, which are used in our day. Many professional terms that were formulated by the ancient masters have survived intact. By the ancient Romans and Greeks aesthetic guidelines and still relevant. Almost all of the styles in the following centuries focused on antiquity, as perfect and absolute sample. For mankind there is no more influential period than the ancient classics. Therefore, the ancient classics can be used in our classification sheet as a starting point.


The most important thing coming from antiquity:


• Proportionality. Aristotle wrote that the sense of a relation, the starting point is the relationship of proportionality to man: the man - a measure of everything.

• «Golden Mean" - a key sign of perfection, a state where you can not add nor subtract.

• Harmony - philosopher Heraclitus said that harmony must be created through the contrast: "The contradictory pulls together, diversity creates perfect harmony, and all through the feud is created."

• The Golden Section - the most important means of harmonization and proportioning.

• Order - a system of elements post-and-beam construction, originally a triple unity of the base (stylobate), pillars and columns lying on the wedding (entablature).



Ancient Greek (XI-I century BC. E.) Has produced three orders, which are the first and to date: Doric, Ionic and Corinthian. In Roman antiquity (III century BC. E. - V century BC. Oe.) Gave two orders: Tuscan and Composite. Columns (tied together carrying parts) and entablature (top, carried part supported by columns) connected perfectly proportioned and a certain rhythm, creating the impression of a perfect system.

The ancient order is a unity of design feasibility and artistically shaped plastics - design and decor were a single entity. Doric order is the most rational of the five orders, as it is directly related to the perfect beauty with functionality. Ideal forms without an abundance of decoration concise and simple. They are practically no unnecessary decoration, each item is not only decorative, but also functional value.


However, in the Ionic order to asceticism functional and practical add more figurative art. Functional justification is not found in the ornamental belts and volyutnyh curls of alternating Jonica - they are simply a decoration. However, this is a capital gains in expressiveness refined image. In the Corinthian and composite orders stronger desire for a more decorative and less appropriate.


At all ages the process of enhancing the decorative design is the beginning of the long, until it reaches its peak in the reign of decor on the form and structure. At a time when the situation is absurd, a turning point, after which there is for the time being a return to a constructive and rational. And the whole process repeats. Consider this cycle.

Initially warrant united decor and design. He was decorated, organize, and at the same time, connecting all in a single integrated organism with no random elements.


Over time, a clear and well functioning structures warrant moves to trim part that decorates the design, but it is not directly linked. Order now more a decoration, hiding structural component, and sometimes even design flaws, and begins to create the illusion of design. In this case, the order never loses its function of rod end, all in a single integrated organism.


• One of the first styles of ancient Greece - Doric style - introduced Dorian tribes, was named the Doric order. He is characterized by a combination of powerful columns with simple capitals, which consists of abaca (square plate) and echinus (round pads), creating masculine image. Therefore, the Doric order in most symbolizes masculinity.

• Name of the Ionic order is entered by the Ionians style - Ionian. It is different light, slender columns. A combination of elegant and sophisticated capitals, which consists of abaca (ornament decorated thin square plate), volutes (scrolls) and Ionic kimatiya (ornamental bands of alternating Jonica) creates a feminine image. Therefore, the Ionic order is associated with femininity.


• The name of the Corinthian order is associated with the Greek city of Corinth. The difference of this order in the fine arts columns with rich, like a floral bouquet, rectangular caps, which consists of stylized acanthus leaves, turning into small volutes and abacus rather complex shape.


• From the Italian region of Tuscany is the name of the Tuscan order. This order is an analogue of a Roman Doric Greek.

• From the Italian word compozito («mixed") takes its name composite order. Proportionally, it is close Corinthian, but in it, like a Corinthian capital added sculptural details or Ionic volutes.

era to the design (before a designer)

Greek antiquity - XI-I century BC

Era before design.

Vladimir Ivanov


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