With the fading of the "great century" monumental architectural style of the second half of the 17th century gave way to the new artistic direction - a colorful, elegant, exquisite rococo. Fold in the 20s of the 18th century, Rococo flourished in the 30's and 40's. At this time, the construction of Versailles was finally moved to Paris, which has retained the glory of the rich and beautiful cities of Europe. Architecture lost its tendency to grand ensembles, to imitate Versailles, but boundless thirst for luxury took a new form. In place of the castle of the 17th century manor came town house hotel - is buried in a small townhouse garden greens French aristocracy, the big bourgeoisie, grown rich moneylenders. Filled with light, elegant salons and boudoirs Hotel becomes enchanting backdrop for private life and a life of aristocratic elite, vomited after the death of Louis XIV under despotic custody of the court. In Rococo mansions was no characteristic of the classical unity of external solutions and interior space, architects often depart from the logical clarity and rational subordination of parts to the whole. If the facade of the hotel and kept the representativeness and the severity of the palace of the 17th century, the proportion becomes easy, and the layout changed. Principle grand enfilade not stand manifest desire for diversity in the arrangement of rooms, asymmetrical compositions, broken, devoid of unifying axis. The internal space has a free and rational arrangement in accordance with the requirements of comfort. Small in size comfortable rooms, designed for everyday use, and the halls dissociated, they were made by different forms, depending on the destination. Living rooms are usually located along the second facade facing the garden. Attention was given to luxury hotels. Rococo interiors hotels hit unrestrained luxury jewelry subtle finish. Favorite oval rooms with their curved shape destroys a specific definition of the wall, and the system sets deprives them of materiality. All transitions and edges are rounded. Bright stone, muted tones, pale pink, blue and white trellis, graceful carved panel enhance the impression of lightness and buoyancy. Low relief moldings plant that protrudes from the wall, how to spread on the surface. Asymmetrical curls branch, then expand, then drawn into narrow strips. Motifs of flowers, masks, fragments of rocks, shells animals interspersed among patterns and form a "charming wall piece." A typical example of Rococo - Interior Hotel Soubise (1730s), by architect Germain Boffranom (1667-1754). Its graceful oval hall marked forms, relaxed elegance. In the creation of a holistic space plays an important role oval plan. His fluent speakers are developed in the soft rounded transition from wall to ceiling, arches of the windows, in the forms of mirrors, doors, decorative frames, undulating contours of painted panels, in the exquisite lines of the asymmetric game ornament, lace, subtle decor ceiling and walls.
Interior rooms and suites of the Rococo
The walls, covered with light panels, a member of the niches in three parts, the lower rectangular panels form a stable base on which rests semicircular arches, they end up painted panels ("Cupid and Psyche" and other songs.) At the boundaries between the walls, blending smoothly into the shallow dome, located a panel with a fancy woven floral design, its radial bands are drawn to the center of the bowl. Fragile, delicate stucco rocaille (forms flat shells) are weaved with stucco garlands of flowers and stems, with ribbon-like framing. Composition decor permeated light, moody rhythm. Prisoners in fancy mirror frames and paintings are included in the architectural decoration, the variety of the surface of the walls. Placed one against the other, give a set of mirror reflections, deceptively expand the space intimate interior - architectural image if a person into the world of dreams and illusions. Air landscape painting background, keeping the plane of the wall and rhythm combine with decor emphasizes the link the interior with cozy corners of the real nature of the park.
An integral part of the interior - furniture: carved elegant console tables on two legs, inlaid komodiki and secretaries, comfortable armchairs and sofas with patterned upholstery, with flexible bizarre shape backs and legs. With fashionable Chinese screens combined oriental trinkets and sparkling crystal and iridescent shades chandeliers, sconces in the form of climbing branches, board girandole with trembling crystal sample, fragile porcelain figurines, tapestries, fine detail - precious toys of silver turtle, pearl, enamel, amber and etc. plait their shape, flowing ornament with its complex rhythm connects all of these items in a single ensemble with the interior. Has created a need for luxury in France in the 18th century, many artists, imaginative, delicate taste and wit: carpenters, carvers and casters, jewelers, weavers, etc., who passed the secrets of his skill from generation to generation. Design interior architecture and applied art devoted much Meyssone J. O. (1693-1750) and J. M. Oppenor (1672-1742).
Rococo. Early. XVIII - con. XVIII century.

Finally, change the taste of the time made ​​the switch from French architecture majestic style to impress diligence primarily abundance, elegance and originality of parts. All the trimmings hall, rooms and stairs takes fancifully bent, twisted, broken forms (rococo). However, before the end of XVIII century, the interior decoration of palaces, government buildings and private houses of rich compose and performed mostly by artists, not quite have forgotten a good tradition and they pursued more than just beauty, as her indelible feature of French art of the best times and the expression of one aspirations of the national spirit.

Vladimir Ivanov