Page statement of cti public buildings not built on typological principles but on identifying the relationship of functional, structural engineering, architectural composition and economic aspects of architecture Certain types of public buildings covered in the Web page as examples of space-planning and design solutions. It does so in the future development of civil engineers in this section cti page to the extent necessary for the fruitful creative collaboration with architects in the design and construction of public buildings.
Many types of bearing and protecting designs of residential buildings, a detailed examination of the relevant section cti pages, are widely used in public buildings. Therefore, in this web page focuses on structures, characteristic mainly for public buildings, for example frame of a building with enlarged grid supports various kinds of large-coating nasal space, stained glass designs, balconies, auditoriums, etc. In terms of accelerating scientific and technological progress firm knowledge theory and scientific methods of discipline will allow young professionals to find a solution to the new engineering challenges that they face supply practice of socialist construction. The material is based on the scientific and theoretical basis of design (physical, technical, functional, etc.).
Public buildings and facilities designed for institutions of cultural and community services for the population and for various types of human social activity: political, economic, administrative, research, etc.
Social principles is an important factor of social development. On the basis of economic growth and increase the efficiency of production better satisfy the growing material and cultural needs of the people, the consistent development of the capitalist way of life, further improvement of the social structure.
The implementation of this idea is directly related to the growth of public funds (consumption (allows you to carry out extensive social activities in the field of public education, public health, the development of physical culture and sports, science, culture, meet a variety of material and cultural needs of the population to create favorable conditions , rest, (the development of abilities and creativity of people.
Public buildings and facilities provide the material basis for a wide range of social activities. This is determined by their importance in urban planning and construction of rural areas.
The continuous increase in public consumption funds, the expansion of cultural and consumer services and social activities of the people and are responsible for growth in the construction, improvement and development of new types of public buildings.
Public buildings and facilities in the cities it is advisable to place in the system of so-called social centers: the wide and specialized, residential and industrial areas and recreation areas, as well as neighborhood community centers. Centers are located in the city-wide, the largest public institutions: the city council, the large administrative agencies, cultural institutions and the arts (theater, museums), large enterprises of trade and catering (department stores, restaurants). In specialized centers, located in residential areas or suburban areas located medical, scientific, educational, exhibition and sports facilities public buildings.
The centers are residential facilities for periodic maintenance of the population (stores of food and industrial products, dining, hospitals, etc.), and in the centers of districts - everyday ((groceries, household items and services, etc.). Kindergartens, nurseries and secondary schools are located in residential areas on separate plots with radii of service 300 and 500 m.
In urban planning for a long time used the so-called graded system of building a network of cultural and consumer services, subject to periodic and routine maintenance in the separate placement of crushed / retail and consumer services. Over time, revealed shortcomings level system.
Small trading enterprises and public services do not (allow you to use technological advances in their equipment and use advanced forms of service, limit the range of goods and services, increase operational costs. Therefore is being developed so-called functional system of networking services, with the division of trade and services on mass (standard) and special (individual). This system involves enlargement of trade and consumer services, the creation of public buildings and shopping centers, equipped with special technical means of providing opportunities for innovative forms of service and to meet the growing needs of the population. Consolidation of enterprises combined with the line items and services that are located directly in homes. Consolidation of enterprises significantly reduces the cost of construction and operation of buildings.
An important social objective is the development and upgrading of facilities of public health. Planning to build multi-specialized, outpatient hospitals, homes for the disabled and elderly. The number of hospital beds will be increased to 3.3 million anticipated to develop the construction of health centers, rest homes, boarding houses, hostels. A significant development in the tenth five-year period, and retail trade sales volume of consumer services (an increase of 1.5 times in urban areas and 1.7 in rural areas).
Construction of retail and service of new type (public buildings shopping centers) involves equipping them with modern technical equipment, providing innovative forms of service and the most complete satisfaction of the population.
In public buildings occupy a special place memorials erected to commemorate important events in the history of the state. These buildings or structures are monuments dedicated to a particular event, and all its appearance actively affect people's consciousness. Architectural composition to combine with other types of sculptural and monumental art.
Public buildings in its space-planning decisions should be fully within its purpose, to provide the necessary facilities for the people, operational efficiency, to have appropriate and effective structures and high architectural and artistic quality.
Social value of public buildings, the uniqueness of the spatial solutions set them apart from the mass housing construction and define a special role in the building of settlements. Public buildings and complexes are often the compositional center of the architectural ensemble of the square, streets and residential areas.
Sets out general principles for the design of public buildings and their structural components according to functional, structural engineering, architectural and compositional and economic requirements The basic laws of forming three-dimensional structures and design, and also features design solutions and components of public buildings The technique techno- economic evaluation of the design decisions.
Web page is designed for students of engineering and construction departments and universities with a degree in industrial and civil construction.
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Vladimir Ivanov