Modern (from the French moderne - «modern") appeared in the late XIX century. Germany has its own version of Art Nouveau, which was named "Jugend-style" Art Nouveau in France was formed direction of "Art Nouveau", and in Austria it is called "Secession."
Prominent figures of culture and art all over the world trying to find a way out of the crisis, artistic and industrial production. There was a need to create a style that would be to have a classical canons, because of which many in desperation turned to eclectic. New style was needed single plastic system components.
Appeared as a bold modernist destruction of classical traditions and at the same time, showed the stylistic unity through integrating heterogeneous in nature designs and shapes by forcing them flowing wraparound ornamental decor.
This decor, close to the vegetable or organic forms, was able to connect absolutely any form, in which it is mixed into a single, pure in style for the ensemble. In all, ranging from complete freedom in the proportions manifested destruction of classical traditions, and there was supposedly centuries of domination perfect, verified and proven rules of harmonization and proportioning, to complete asymmetry in great shape, which was not there, and in the details (the Gresham Baroque).
Asymmetry, which is considered unacceptable in the classics, was a major find, we can say hallmark of modern style, which declared freedom from all fetters and disruptive to do what pleases the artist. However, as it may look strange, this situation has not become anarchy. In modernity, as in any serious style, should also be a border. Lack of boundaries, as in the eclectic, undoubtedly, would have to decline. This boundary exists, but it is not as visible as in other styles. The complexity of modernity is precisely in its freedom. Even professionals sometimes can not determine exactly where it ends modernist modernity considering what they are, in principle, it is not.
There is some confusion in the definitions. Very often, the word "modern" implies something that is not related to style. Or, sometimes, called modernism modernism indicating phenomenon in the culture that unites all directions, styles and trends prevailing in the late XIX-early XX century and denying classical canons and old traditions. That is so confused particular forms of "modern" and the global concept of "modernism."
To understand how the boundaries of modern style, it is best to consider its extreme manifestations: rationalism and decorativism. These names, of course, quite arbitrary, since the modern is not limited to extreme situations - it can connect dekorativistskogo and rational. But this generalization will explore the manifestation of style analysis method, where more rationalistic tendencies, and where - dekorativistskih.
• «decorativism" - the first type of modernity - is intuitive, decorative weaving exquisite ornamental decor, which destroys the integrity of the form and is intended to create a sense of something living, fantastic, mysterious. If you stay in the space between these forms may give the feeling of being in a living organism. A striking example of this type of modern incarnations are works of the great Spanish architect Antonio Gaudi.
• «Rationalism" - the second type of modern - characterized by attention to the functional organization of space and the high discipline of composition. There are no random elements, mostly used a small amount of decoration, which is introduced appropriate and well thought out. When you are in a space that is organized in such a way, there is a strong sense of rationality. Among the supporters of this type include the famous modernist Scottish architect and designer Charles Rennie Mackintosh.
Even though a clear distinction between these two types of modernity, they are in relative harmony, thanks to the fact that they are part of the same style.
It should be noted that in St. Petersburg has a long tradition of modernist style. Modern gushed from the West at the end of XIX century and brought a new cult of beauty. On the banks of the Neva River developed its own version of the Northern modern - elegant, austere, with a surprisingly thin plastic form and containing a small amount of decoration.
Modern in Russia lasted only about ten years. However, during this time were built many fine buildings and created a lot of great interiors.
era to the design (before a designer)
Modern - the end of XIX-beginning of XX century.
Era before design.
Vladimir Ivanov