The concept of "classic"
Classics (Latin classicus - «first-class, master") in the narrow sense of the more often used in relation to the Roman and Greek antiquity. In a broader sense, it is understood as the pinnacle of the development of any artistic movement. It's like a "golden mean" of all existing styles, eras, periods. It's no wonder Greek antiquity is called the Golden Age.
The word "classic" etymologically comes from a group of concepts that came from ancient Rome. Classics called people who belonged to a higher category of Roman citizens, therefore, were more educated, committed and exemplified the best citizen that can create something beautiful and eternal, that it would be able to continue to offer a role model.
The notion of classicism is not identical to the concept, "classic", although a related origin and similar sounding. In a broad sense, Classicism, of course, can be attributed to the classics, especially from a modern point of view. But in a more narrow sense classical, primarily focused on classical antiquity and is based on Greek antiquity as the ideal, perfect and undeniable pattern. In IV century BC in ancient Greece artists and architects turned to the art of VI century BC as the classics, but the classical style emerged only in the XVII century.
When classicism not just blindly follow the forms of classical antiquity, but also restore lost in previous periods principles revive ideal, adjusted for centuries proportions and classical canons. After a long period of free relationship to the proportions and the canons of the Rococo and Baroque classicism returned to a special, higher "simplicity", which was the result of internal complexity. In place of pretentiousness and picturesque Baroque Rococo came rationality, stability, structural clarity and order of classicism.
Classicism as a complete artistic system originates in France in XVIIveke.
In classical architecture found its embodiment of the basic principles of organic style. Ideally, the style - the opposite of the Baroque. It is characterized by a clear geometry shapes, clean lines, clear volume, slender composite zymysel.
Classicism appealed to the forms of ancient architecture, it is used not only by its motive and the individual elements, but also patterns of design. The basis of the architectural language of classicism became the order in the form closest to antiquity, striving to express the concepts of logic, order and peace.
In the mainstream of modern culture was a process of gradual transformation of a fortified castle in unfortified palace. Designed gardens and parks, which laid the foundations of art regular French garden, with its suites of rectified alleys, cut grass and bushes, which gave the geometric shape of cones and balls.
Furniture Classical period - High-quality and respectable, was made of fine wood. She was graceful enough, but there was no pretentiousness inherent in the baroque style. Great importance is the texture of the wood, acting as a decorative element in the interior. The furnishings are often fobbed off with carved inlays of precious wood. Decor elements are more reserved, but expensive.
Chandeliers are provided with crystal pendants and thick enough to perform.
The interior is also porcelain, mirrors in expensive frames, books, pictures.
Currently, the classical style can be successfully used in small rooms, but it is desirable to ensure that they had high ceilings - then this method of decoration provide the greatest effect.
The colors of this style often have clear, almost primary yellow, blue, and lilovae and greens, the latter being used with black and gray, as well as bronze and silver ornaments.
For the interior in classic style designers usually pick the appropriate tissue, usually in the subject fit well bright, rich variety of textiles, including tapestries, shiny taffeta and velvet.
era to the design (before a designer)

Classicism - XVII-XIX century.
Era before design.

Vladimir Ivanov